Sunday, April 29, 2012

"تدوير المناصب" .. وبهلوانات السياسة

هناك فرق بين تدوير الوظائف كما نعرفه فى علم الإدارة كوسيلة لتنمية قدرات الموظفين وإتاحة الفرصة لهم لممارسة أكثر من عمل والإلمام بمتطلبات أدائها والتعرض لمشكلاتها ومحاولة حلها واكتساب الخبرة فى أكثر من مجال بالمؤسسات التى يعملون بها،
وبين الرشاوى السياسية التى يقدمها بهلوانات السياسة تلك الأيام ممن يديرون مؤسسات مصر التى تحولت فى عهد مبارك إلى صروح للفساد وحضانات للفاسدين فى الاقتصاد والإعلام والأحزاب السياسية التى استخدمت ولاتزال لاستكمال الديكور الديمقراطى والتعمية عما يدور فى الكواليس من مؤتمرات وفتن.. الزعيم السياسى الحقيقى يجمع حوله أهل الخبرة والمشورة وصدق القول ونزاهة السلوك والمواقف وإخلاص النوايا والزهد وسلامة المقصد والنأى عن الصغائر، أما البهلوان السياسى فيحيط نفسه بأهل الثقة من المنافقين والطامعين فى منصب أو جاه يسمعونه ما يريد أن يسمع ويزينون له كل ما يرضيه.. يستميتون فى القرب منه ومحاصرته بأتباعهم من بلطجية السياسة ويبعدون عنه أى صاحب علم أو خبرة يكشف جهلهم ويعرى مقاصدهم، ويدورون به فى دوامة تتسارع فى دورانها بالتدريج حتى ينصرف اهتمامه إلى كيفية أن تظل رأسه على السطح أطوال مدة ممكنة قبل أن يختفى فى أعماق النسيان.. وهو بدوره يعلم أنهم طامعون فى مناصب يتباهون بها وجاه زائف يكسبهم مكانة وواجهة يخدعون بها من يتعاملون معهم فيوزع المناصب ليرضيهم ويبقيهم متحلقين من حوله، وتتفاوت المسميات طبقاً لأهمية «التابع» مادامت المناصب سوف تتغير وسوف يحتلها من يصيبه الدور فى حلقات النفاق والدجل والنصب السياسي.
تاريخ مصر حافل بزعامات كان الشعب يفوضهم للتحدث باسمه ويعطيهم توكيلات على بياض لفرط ثقته فيهم وفى مواقفهم، كانوا «خداماً» للشعب وليس للسلطان، يستمدون قوتهم من الناس.. محمد كريم وعمر مكرم وأحمد عرابى وجمال عبدالناصر وسعد زغلول ومصطفى النحاس حققوا أعظم الثورات فى التاريخ ووقفوا أمام سلاطين جبابرة دون أن يخافوا سطوتهم ولم يغرهم جاه أو سلطان حتى يصبحوا أدوات فى يد الحكام الذين ثاروا عليهم أو المستعمرين الذين طردوهم شر طردة وأنهوا احتلالهم للأوطان.. كان آحاداً صحيحة كل واحد منهم بحجم مصر كلها.. واليوم أتلفت حولى لعلى أجد فى أحفادهم أو فى الأحزاب القائمة أو بين المتنطعين فى الشارع السياسى فلا أجد إلا أصفاراً تحاول دون جدوى أن تصبح آحاداً.. أصفاراً مهما بلغ عددها لا يمكن - إذا ما جمعت - أن تكون واحداً صحيحاً ويحاول بعضهم بكل جرأة ودون خجل من ماض أسود ملطخ بدم شهيد أو دعوة مظلوم أو تخريب للعقول والذمم أن يترشح لرئاسة مصر حتى يظل مسلسل الفساد مستمراً جيلاً بعد جيل فى حضانات الفساد التى أنشأها مبارك وتولى إدارتها وريثه ولايزال خريجوها ينتشرون فى بنوك وهيئات ومؤسسات وأحزاب مصر انتظاراً لثورة ثانية تطهر مصر من هؤلاء وتستكمل أهداف أعظم الثورات فى التاريخ الحديث.
كان يحكم مصر - ولا يزال يحاول - رئيس تقلد منصبه بالصدفة، لم يكن مؤهلاً على الإطلاق لأن يتخطى حاجز الترقية التى يحلم بها ضابط مجتهد فى عمله يتقاعد بعدها على معاش يضمن له عيشاً كريماً مثل أقرانه فى الجيش الذى ينتمى إليه.. قدراته العقلية تتناسب مع ثقافته المحدودة واهتماماته والبيئة التى نشأ فيها ولم يثبت - بعد أن تكشفت كل الحقائق - أنه حاول أن يرقى أو يرتقى بها.. وكان طبيعياً أن يلتف حوله أسماك القرش ممن تجتذبهم رائحة السلطة وطعم الثراء يسهلون له البقاء فى الحكم وتوريثه ويصنعون منه ومن أسرته أسطورة فى الذكاء واللماحية وبعد النظر والحكمة وينتهى بهم المطاف جميعاً إلى زنازين السجون التى امتلأت فيما سبق بكل من رفع صوته اعتراضاً أو نبه لفساد.. رأى مبارك الموت بعينيه فى حادث المنصة الذى أتى بعده رئيساً لمصر ولم يكن مؤهلاً حتى يكون رئيساً لأحد مؤسساتها، فتكونت لديه عقدة جعلته «يخاف من خياله»، وهو الذى صوره لنا على أنه مثال للشجاعة والإقدام، وسخر كل أجهزة الدولة لحمايته الشخصية وحماية أسرته.
حادث أورده نبيل العربى فى كتابه الأخير الذى ضمنه قصة المعركة الرائعة التى خاضتها الخارجية المصرية وفريق المفاوضين والاستشاريين من شوامخ مصر فى القانون والعسكرية والتاريخ لاستعادة طابا من عصابة صهيون.. يوضح الحادث الخدعة الكبرى التى عشناها فى مصر لأكثر من ثلاثة عقود؛ وتدلل على جهل رئيسها وذكائه المحدود واهتماماته الضحلة زيف ادعاءاته عن انشغاله بمصر وترابها.. يحكى العربى أن مبارك لم يمنحه ولا أى من فريق العمل أية أوسمة أو نياشين كما يقضى العرف، وأنه حضر وفريق المفاوضين حفل رفع العلم على طابا وكان المفروض - طبقاً لقواعد البروتوكول - أن يصافحهم مبارك تقديراً لجهودهم على امتداد خمس سنوات من العمل المضني، وبالفعل توجه الرئيس المخلوع نحوهم ولكنه سمع من يناديه «يا ريس.. يا ريس» فالتفت فإذا بممثل توفاه الله يقف مع فنانة وفنانين آخرين، فما كان من مبارك إلا أن ترك فريق المفاوضين وتوجه ناحية من ناداه ووقف يجاذبه أطراف الحديث هو ومن معه.. والأدهى من ذلك أنه لم يعد لكى يصافح من ساعدوا مصر على استعادة طابا بل انصرف تاركاً إياهم فى ذهول لا يكادون يصدقون ما حدث.. مهرج سياسى كبير فى دور رئيس!

اقرأ المقال الأصلي علي بوابة الوفد الاليكترونية الوفد - «تدوير» المناصب.. وبهلوانات السياسة

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Creating Training Awareness

Being aware is like breathing, it is fundamental to our every day existence. Without awareness we are moving through out life without breathe, without direction, without connecting with ourselves and thus others.
Awareness is often mistaken as seeing outward, noticing what others are doing, how they are doing things, how they are stopping us from doing certain activities or stopping us from living our life. Most of our notion of awareness is being aware of others and how they are affecting us. We sometimes consider ourselves to be very aware beings because we notice everything that people are doing around us. We notice the achievements of others, we notice the gains of others, and we notice what others have.
We are aware of what our neighbors have that we don’t have, we are aware of a great relationship someone else has that we don’t have, we are aware of a career someone else has that we don’t have, we are aware of a great life another person has that always feels like it was achieved thro
ugh the loss of our own life. Our awareness over time turns into wariness, always being wary of what is going on with others around us.
However, awareness is having an inward focus, not an outward focus. Awareness is knowing how we breathe, knowing the patterns that we have in our everyday life, awareness is understanding our connection to the universe, awareness is knowing our beliefs, our mind, our spirit, our body. Many people have written about the gaining of awareness.
Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs was about understanding levels of awareness that we need to have as a person. He saw total awareness as self-actualization, the highest level in the hierarchy. Another way of looking at awareness is through exploring the ancient teachings of the chakras which originated four thousand years ago. There are seven chakras and each chakra represents steps to pass through in the aim of achieving ever-expanding states of consciousness. The seventh chakra, Sahasrara, is about awareness through self-knowledge, gaining an understanding of our identify within the universe.
There are many philosophical thoughts around achieving awareness. In her book, Eastern Body, Western Mind, Anodea Judith, discusses three types of philosophical thought to gain awareness.
  1. The enlightenment philosophies, whose movement is upward and beyond, toward mental and spiritual realms. They are derived primarily from Eastern Cultures and their focus is on transcendence. They seek to escape the trials and tribulations of the mundane world by ascending to higher planes of consciousness that transcend suffering.
  2. The embodiment philosophies, whose movement is down and in, towards the realms of manifestation, soul, body, and engagement with the world around us. They are reflected in the practice of somatic therapy, bio-energetics and earth-centered spirituality. Their focus is on immanence, or the presence of the divine within. They seek to end suffering by engaging with the forces that cause it.
  3. The integrative philosophies, whose movement is toward integration of opposites, mind and body, Heaven and Earth, spirit and matter, light and shadow, male and female. The goal of integrative philosophies is transformation and wholeness.
(Judith, A, pp.xi)
All of these philosophies rely on gaining an understanding of awareness of self. They all require looking within to know more about self.
First Step to Creating Awareness
The first step to creating awareness is recognizing that you want to. Having awareness could be described as having a learning pathway for your life. Learning more about yourself is part of growing as a person. It we choose not to gain self awareness then we stagnate in life and don’t grow. This may sound very harsh but how many times have we looked at others and wondered why they have never moved on in life or grown. People like this usually complain about their life but are unwilling to do anything about it. Unfortunately this person who we are observing is a mirror of ourselves. Self awareness means knowing our self more and this can be pretty scary at times. However the down side is not growing as a person. So taking the first step and getting past the scary bit is really important.
Creating awareness also supports us in identifying the areas of our life that work for us and the ones that don’t. Think back to the time when you wanted to change something in your life, and you kept trying to do this but it just never happened. Eventually you gave up, possible feeling unsuccessful and defeated. We often take on new things to change our life, adding more things to what we do rather than unpacking or looking at what we already do to understand this more.
Take Anita for example, a person who wants to be a better leader. She reads a book and decides that the path to becoming a great leader is to be just like the leader that she read all about in the book. She outlines the behaviors and tasks the leader took and decides that the next day she will take on all of these new behaviors.
When we see a person doing this, we can immediately understand what is wrong with this picture but we do this all the time ourselves. It is a common human desire to want to be like someone else who we see as successful and try to emanate this person.
For Anita as each day passed she put all her energy into taking on these new behaviors. What people noticed was not a new leader emerging but rather a person who was unfocused and moving in all directions, someone who was totally acting out of character. People around her become unsure of how to respond to her as what they observed was nothing like the person they knew.
After two weeks of struggling to take on all these new behaviors Anita gave up. No one at work was listening to her, she didn’t feel like a great leader and if anything, things at work had become stressful and chaotic. For Anita this time made her feel like she was not a great leader and her self esteem started to plummet. She began to wonder if she had chosen the right career and she lost sight of her strengths and great qualities.
Imagine this story beginning with Anita deciding she wanted to learn more about herself to determine how she wanted to move forward in life. She began to read books on leadership and found that she had some of the qualities leaders spoke about. The next step she took was to understand what her qualities and strengths were. To do this she employed a coach, completed several assessments to understand herself more and she began writing down all of her strengths. She also began to work out what her vision was for herself. All of these actions made her feel more focused and stronger in herself.
She believed that leadership was her strength and so she began to look at her self and to recognize that being a great leader meant knowing more about herself. Her confidence increased and her supports helped her stay focused. She continued to look more and more at who she was and to committing to knowing more and more about herself. She went to work and explained her own pathway to her team. She asked them to support her as their leader by helping her know more about their strengths so she could manage everyone more effectively.
This outcome is totally different to the first outcome. Anita’s pathway to knowing more about herself meant she also opened up the pathway for others around her to know more about themselves. What an amazing shift in focus. Great leaders know more about themselves than anyone else. Their focus is on their self not others.
Having greater self awareness is becoming a leader. A leader is a person who is leading their own life from strength to strength. Great leaders we see around us are great because they follow their own pathway, they know who they are, they have planned out their pathway for learning and they are on the journey of greater self awareness. They recognize that self awareness is something you must value and is then part of you for ever. Being a great leader is not following someone else but simply knowing yourself.
We sometimes think that being a great leader is about standing up in front of many and running a company and creating huge financial success. Yet many great leaders have never been great for these reasons. Stop for a moment and think about who your role models of great leaders are. List what you think their strengths were. No doubt you have listed all the strengths you either have or wished you had. You are likely to list all the strengths that you value. They are great leaders to you because you identify with some of their strengths. When you gain greater self awareness you are also a great leader, leading your life on a pathway or journey that you are passionate about, gaining ongoing awareness of yourself. Those around you will see your confidence, will see your focus and will see you growing. To them you are a great leader, leading the pathway for others to follow, showing the importance of following your dreams and passions, showing the importance of knowing who you are, showing the importance of focusing on looking inward rather than outward.
At the end of 2008, the world went into an economic downturn. Banks crashed, governments crashed, institutions that were once strong and financially secure suddenly crashed. The impact was devastating. People lost jobs and houses. Families became unbelievably stressed, people panicked as there was no clear path forward. Change had been forced upon everyone. The story of the economic downturn was told far and wide as the media covered stories of hardship and struggle. Everyday bad news was told, everyday people lost their jobs and security. The greatest pain was the pain people felt at being lost, unsure of what to do next, waiting for companies to climb out of the crisis. Many people waited daily to hear the news, hoping for a better future. The saddest thing to watch was people frozen in fear, afraid of the future, afraid of what was going to happen. Everyone was feeling the fear.
In times like this people have change forced upon them. A shift this great often opens up opportunities for greater awareness. We are forced to look at who we are and to rely on our strengths. Communities congregate and we turn to each other. Reaching out to others can be the first step to awareness. How much more empowering would it be to determine our own pathway rather than having it forced upon us or not knowing ourselves enough to be able to see a future.
There are many ways to support you in developing your self awareness. The list below outlines just a few ways. The best approach is to determine what works best for you.
Ways to Develop Self Awareness
  1. Write in a journal everyday so you can see patterns that emerge in your life.
  2. List your strengths and think about how you would like to develop them further.
  3. Employ a coach who will support you on your journey of self awareness and tell them this is the goal of your coaching.
  4. Ask your friends and family to support you as you learn more about yourself. Ask them to share what they see are your strengths, your qualities, etc.
  5. Create an exercise schedule to keep you focused and healthy.
  6. Attend a workshop or read books on self awareness to find the approach you want to support you on your journey.
  7. List your goals for self awareness, and how what you need to achieve them.
  8. Meditate regularly asking yourself what you need to learn more about yourself.
  9. Connect with others who also value self awareness to support you.
  10. 10. Sleep at least 8 hours every day and eat healthy replenishing foods.
  1. Do you value self awareness and what does this mean to you?
  2. Do you believe you are on a pathway of self awareness and if yes, how do you know this?
  3. How comfortable do you feel about talking about yourself to others and how do you think these feelings reflect on your self awareness?
Coaching Application
One of the most valuable contributions that you will make to your clients is to help them become aware of their behaviour. One of the reasons that clients work with a coach is because they want to encourage more positive things in their lives and they want to rid themselves of unhelpful behaviours that lead to negative effects. In order for a client to change unhelpful behaviours they might need some support to actually see these behaviours in action. People also choose working with a coach on their self awareness because they recognise that asking for support is an important step. Having a coach requires a person to speak out loud their thoughts.
This stops the inner discussion that goes on in their mind and also the pattern of this discussion. As we all know our inner self talk can be quite critical and it also seems to go round and round in circles never moving us forward. Its aim is to question our good intentions. Talking out loud to a coach tells your inner self talk that you are no longer listening to it. A conversation out loud also requires a person to speak their intent, to articulate their thoughts and this can be the first step to committing to a new way of doing something.

The Advice Trap
Most of us have had the experience of looking at another person’s life and thinking “if only they did X their life would be so much better”. We might look at a friend and think, “If only she took better care of her appearance, she would feel so much more confident” or look at a partner and think “If only he would go to bed earlier, he would perform so much better at work”. Maybe we look at the way others parent and think “th
ey should be stricter with their child or she will never learn boundaries”. Firstly, no matter how well meaning the advice is, it serves to emphasise and underline a problem. The result is to make others feel guilty. When you feel guilty, your energy immediately goes into repelling those feelings of guilt, instead of focussing on a way forward.
Another problem with advice is that it implies judgement. Finally, the advice giver is not allowing the advice receiver to take responsibility for their own life. Advice givers believe they know better. Coaching is built on the belief that the solution is within the client. Only when the client owns the solution will a solution be achieved. The client will put the energy into creating a solution and will know what they need to do.
Using Powerful Questions
Powerful questions support your client in stopping in their particular pathway of thought and looking at a situation from a different perspective. This creates a distance and so allows the client to see a situation much easier. Powerful questions also support opportunities for growth and creativity. Asking questions will support your client in knowing more about themselves and what they need to do.
Effective Feedback or Outlining Observations
Another way coaches can create awareness with a client is through the use of feedback. Feedback is an observation. It is information that we have noticed, discerned, or are picking up from what they are saying. The difference between feedback and advice is that feedback is nonjudgmental. It is not based on opinion nor beliefs but rather on the moment of observation. Feedback never includes the words “you should”. Feedback helps the client to realise that your listening is complete and real.
Effective feedback creates a kind of awareness that makes a difference in how one sees things. It provides insight, opens thought and expands vision. To give good feedback requires generosity on behalf of the coach. Feedback is always neutral and objective. When giving feedback, the greatest challenge one can have, is to really make a contribution that benefits the client. It involves giving up any judgments, opinions and even beliefs, about something or someone.
Feedback is neither positive nor negative. It is simply feedback. By stating what is or what is not from another perspective, may just help your client get an insight that they can use. Giving great feedback takes lots of practice. Another way to become skilled at giving feedback is to receive feedback yourself. Being on the receiving end of feedback helps you to observe the ways that feedback can be phrased to make it the most effective. Feedback is where we offer the client the observations we have made. An example of this can be in the language a client uses. We are often unaware of the language we use. When we highlight the language used by the client it can help them to gain greater understanding of themselves. Sometimes a client may make the same statement about themselves over and over again but may not be aware that they are doing this. As the coach, you can ask them if they would like to hear what they have been saying about themselves and repeat back to them their words. This is a very awareness creating exercise.
Some more examples of effective feedback
To give feedback is to simply mirror back to the client the way we see it. For example, a coach may say to a client, “I hear you are really angry about that, do you want to talk more about it?” There is no judgment here about the emotion being conveyed by the client. It is simply being noticed for the client to evaluate the feeling and move forward.
If a client shares a situation, the coach can offer to provide feedback by saying: “Would you like a different perspective?” Or perhaps say: “Can I share with you what I am getting from that?” Again, feedback is simply about sharing an observation without judgment.
Role-play and Feed Forward
Role-play is a very effective technique to create awareness with your clients. It is particularly helpful when a client is unsure how to have a conversation with someone; or has some fear around what to say and how to proceed. In this case, role-play becomes essentially a practice conversation. This is done so the client can find some powerful and clear ways to communicate to resolve the situation. As a coach, you can provide them with effective feedback on what you observed.
  • What is the purpose of feedback in a coaching situation?
  • What are three situations you might encounter as a coach in which role-play could be useful?
  • How do you maintain your self awareness as a coach?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Without Teams Managers Cannot Be Leaders

"Manage your team" might seem clear and straightforward. Yet when we talk about it, we often find it's not an intuitive concept for many managers and for some it even cuts against the grain of what they think they should do as bosses.
Perhaps the easiest way to explain the problem, as we've come to understand it, is through the phrase we used above — manage "through the team." By that we mean you should use the social dynamics of the team to manage individual members, rather than managing members primarily one-by-one. This is a critical distinction that many managers miss. Though they extol the benefits of teamwork, they insist on managing their teams individual-by-individual. Thus, they virtually ensure that their groups will never become true teams.
Every group is not a team. Most are not, in fact, and so it's good to start with a definition.
A team is a group of people who do collective work and are mutually committed to a common team purpose and challenging goals related to that purpose.
Teams are more productive and innovative than mere work groups. They produce results that exceed what groups of individuals can do through simple cooperation and coordination. Such results reflect a "team effect:" members perform better when they feel they're part of a team. The root of this benefit is members' strong mutual commitment to their joint work. This commitment creates compelling social and emotional bonds among members, who come to believe that "we" will all succeed or fail together and that no one can succeed if the team fails. In every team, "we" trumps "I." Unless you've been part of a team yourself, it's hard to understand the exhilaration produced by this sense of what "we" can accomplish together.
This mutual commitment, this "we," the potent interpersonal bonds among team members, spring from two related sources:

  1. A mutual sense of purpose. Every high-performing team believes it exists for a compelling reason and that the world will be better for what it does. Its purpose is not the task or work it does but the benefit it delivers. It's the difference between "We scrub hospital floors" and "We prevent the spread of deadly infections." This is what pulls people together and makes them feel part of something bigger than themselves.

  2. Tangible goals based on that purpose. Purpose must be made concrete or it will quickly wither. To sustain its sense of purpose, every team needs to strive toward specific, real achievements that will fulfill that purpose.

In short, purpose and related goals are the glue that holds a team together. Purpose without concrete goals is just a dream. Goals without purpose are aimless activity. But although they are critical, purpose and goals are not enough. A team also needs clarity. In particular, team members need clarity about:

  • Members' roles and responsibilities — not everyone can do everything

  • Important work processes — the way the team does its work, such as making decisions

  • Values, norms, and standards that define what members expect of each other — how conflict, for example, may and may not be expressed

  • The kinds of feedback and metrics needed to measure progress.

These may be the more nitty-gritty aspects of team infrastructure but they're needed to keep the team's work flowing smoothly and to minimize destructive conflict. And when all these conditions are present and a group becomes a true team, members perform at a high level not because the boss demands it but because their team colleagues expect it. Members work hard so as to support each other and not let the team down. In effect, then, the team manages itself. If a team member fails to perform, other members will let him know. In this way, performance is guided by the social and emotional bonds among members, not the expectations of the boss. When this occurs, the manager is managing through the team by using the social bonds among members to shape behavior.
It's a more effective way to manage because it elicits more commitment and effort from the individuals involved. But it's obviously not a comfortable approach for those bosses who need to be "in charge" and want to believe that their team will succeed because of their direct influence. They dislike, in particular, the fact that creating a team requires such an indirect approach, like a pool player making a bank shot off the side rather than straight into a pocket. They don't realize that the more direct approach they prefer will most likely prevent their group from becoming a real team. Real teams emerge spontaneously when the right conditions are present; a team can't be created by decree. The boss cannot dictate a compelling purpose; the team members must choose one, though it certainly can be one the boss has suggested and the team discussed.
Thus, instead of imposing and directing, you as group leader must suggest, support, define, focus on, talk about, expect, hire for, lead discussions about, and evaluate performance against the conditions that foster the spontaneous formation of a team. Your formal authority can be useful for directing people's time and attention to the right issues and conditions. That's far from nothing, but in the end only your group's members can make themselves into a team by freely committing themselves to a mutual purpose.
Your job as team leader is to foster and then sustain the conditions that help them do that. You may not feel completely comfortable with such an indirect approach, but that's how teams work

Sunday, April 22, 2012

من الذى سيحكم مصر لو ......؟

أرفض أن اصدق أن مصر العزيزة الشامخة كتب عليها أن تختار رئيسها من بين من استبعدتهم اللجنة القضائية المسئولة عن فحص أوراق الترشح والتأكد من مطابقتها للشروط القانونية الواجب توافرها فى المرشح لأرفع منصب فى الدولة المفروض أن يتولاه زعيم يقود ثورة التغيير الذى بدأته ثورة 25 يناير لكى تنتقل به مصر من حالة التخلف التى فرضت عليها إلى اللحاق بركب التطور ومتطلبات العصر سياسيا واقتصاديا .. نعم، مصر تحتاج إلى زعيم وطنى ينقذها من "لصوص الثورات " وليس إلى "بلياتشو" سياسى يختفى خلف طرطور وبدلة فضفاضة موصولة بكل ألوان الطيف السياسى لزوم التكيف مع المصالح والإستعداد لأداء أدوار مرسومة لمن يملك أن يحرك البلياتشو، ويقوم بحركات بهلوانية ويختفى خلف قناع من المساحيق التى تخفى وجهه وحقيقته أمام من يخدعهم من مريديه أو أعضاء حزبه .. المستبعدون من سباق الرئاسة سوف يظلون يحاولون بشتى الطرق أن يعودوا طامعين فى السلطة والجاه وفى منصب لايستحقونه بحال بعد أن كشفت الأيام أنهم غير مؤهلين لاأخلاقيا ولا علميا ولا عمليا لتوليه.. جمعيهم لايرون بأسا من استخدام أساليب البلطجة والإبتزاز فى إثبات حقوقهم والتشكيك فى ذمم قضاة محترمون يمثلون اللجنة العليا التى تتولى التأكد من سلامة موقف المرشحين، ويحشدون أنصارهم إرهابا للجنة وتهديدا لأمن مصر نفسها حتى قبل أن يتولوا الحكم .. وكلهم بدلا من أن يخجلوا من أنفسهم ومن أساليبهم فى انتزاع مايتصورونه حقوقا بالتدليس والكذب والخداع يقنعون أنفسهم وأتباعهم بأنهم الأحق بحكم مصر.

أحد هؤلاء صور له خياله أنه مستهدف من دول عظمى تريد أن تقصيه عن المنصب الذى يستحقه بجدارة، وقام بحشد أتباعه بالمساجد والشوارع تعلو أصواتهم بالهتاف للإسلام الذى يرون أنه انتهك فى شخص مرشحهم الذى لازال ينكر الحقيقة التى يعلمها جيدا ويتمسك بإجراءات لاتقدم ولاتؤخر فى حقيقة جنسية أصوله التى هى شرط من شروط الترشح .. يقيم الدنيا ولايقعدها بأن لديه مستندات وأسانيد ودلائل تفضح المؤامرة ومن خططوا لها فى نوع رخيص من الإبتزاز المفروض أن يحاكم عليه مادام يلقى التهم جزافا بغير دليل ويطعن فى الذمم ويسب ويقذف فى كل أجهزة الإعلام وفى أحاديثه لأتباعه الذين يحرضهم على زلزلة أمن مصر طالما حرم من حلم الوصول إلى الرئاسة .. لو تولى مثل هذا الشخص حكم مصر هل يمكن أن يحترم الدستور والقانون؟ وهل يمكن أن يقبل "الآخر" ممن يختلفون معه فى الفكر والتوجه والعقيدة؟ وماذا سيفعل بمعارضيه؟ هل سيطلق عليهم أعوانه لتأديبهم طبقا لتفسيرهم المعيب للإسلام الوسطى السمح، أم سيعمل حكم القانون الذى يصارعه الآن ويخرج عليه؟

والآخر رشحه حزبه نكاية فى المجلس العسكرى "وتكويشا" على كل السلطات فى الدولة بما فى ذلك رأس النظام، وحين ظهر أنه غير مستوف للشروط لأسباب قانونية بحتة دفعوا بمرشح آخر احتياطى حتى لاتذهب الأصوات إلى من يستحقها وإنما إلى من "يسمع ويطيع" حتى لو لم يكن له أى ماض يشهد له بخبرة فى السياسة الخارجية أو العمل الحزبى الممنهج والمستقل عن الأيديولوجية التى تميز الجماعة التى ينتمى إليها..هل يمكن لمثل هذا الرئيس – لو جاء – أن يستقل برأى أو يخضع لإرادة شعبية أو يتخذ قرارا مصيريا لاترضى عنه الجماعة التى ينتمى إليها، أم أنه سوف يكون واجهة لمرشد الجماعة الذى يدين له بالولاء والسمع والطاعة دون مناقشة؟ كيف يكون رئيسا لكل المصريين وقد تربى على أن يكون تابعا ليس له رأى مستقل أو إرادة تسمح له بالإختلاف والخلاف؟

والثالث الفروض فيه أنه رجل قانون ولكنه لايترك مناسبة إلا وخالف القانون ، بل إنه يحتمى بالقانون لكى يهرب من القانون وحين يصدر أمر بضبطه وإحضاره فإنه يهرب إلى شقة بالعقار يتمتع صاحبها بحصانة منصبة القضائى الرفيع ولايجد غضاضة – لاهو ولا من آواه – فى أن يفاوض الشرطة التى لازالت حتى كتابة المقال تحاصر العقار وتتفاوض مع سيادته لتسليم نفسه أو انتظارا لرفع الحصانة عمن يختبئ عنده الأمر الذى يفقد الدولة هيبتها وينال أكثر من مصداقية الشرطة فى قدرتها على استعادة الأمن والسيطرة على انفلاته .. نفس هذا الشخص المرشح للرئاسة هو الذى يقضى معظم حياته يجمع الملفات والأشرطة عمن يختلف معهم ويملأ الفضائيات صخبا بما يحمله من مستندات تدين كل الشعب المصرى أو من لايشايعه من الناس أو يسير خلفه فى المظاهرات التى ينظمها ضد أعدائه حتى لو كانوا قضاة يجلسون على منصة العدالة .. هل يمكن أن يحكم هذا مصر ويصبح حكما بين السلطات، وهل يمكن أن يقبل بحكم يخالف مايعتقده أو يأتى لغير صالحه؟ وهل يقرالتظاهر بالمحاكم وتكسيرها والإعتداء على القضاة أسلوبا للحصول على أحكام لصالحه ؟ نفس الجرأة التى يتمتع بها من عينه مبارك نائبا له قبل أن تتطيح به الثورة، ويعود الآن بدم بارد لكى يرشح نفسه للمنصب الأعلى يحيط به الحرس الجمهورى والشرطة العسكرية، التى كاد قادتها – لولا بقية من حياء – أن يؤدوا له التحية ويعزفون له السلام الجمهورى باعتبار ماسيكون .. كل اسئلتى لاتحتاج إلى إجابات لأنها ببساطة أسئلة ينقصها الذكاء وماكان ينبغى أن تسأل من الأساس..!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

الوصايا العشر فى اساليب الإتصال المؤسسى

It is simply impossible to become a great leader without being a great communicator. I hope you noticed the previous sentence didn’t refer to being a great talker – big difference. The key to becoming a skillful communicator is rarely found in what has been taught in the world of academia. From our earliest days in the classroom we are trained to focus on enunciation, vocabulary, presence, delivery, grammar, syntax and the like. In other words, we are taught to focus on ourselves. While I don’t mean to belittle these things as they’re important to learn, it’s the more subtle elements of communication rarely taught in the classroom (the elements that focus on others), which leaders desperately need to learn. It is the ability to develop a keen external awareness that separates the truly great communicators from those who muddle through their interactions with others. In today’s column I’ll share a few of the communication traits, which if used consistently, will help you achieve better communication results.
I don’t believe it comes as any great surprise that most leaders spend the overwhelming majority of their time each day in some type of an interpersonal situation. I also don’t believe it comes as a great shock to find a large number of organizational problems occur as a result of poor communications. It is precisely this paradox that underscores the need for leaders to focus on becoming great communicators. Effective communication is an essential component of professional success whether it is at the interpersonal, intergroup, intragroup, organizational, or external level. While developing an understanding of great communication skills is easier than one might think, being able to appropriately draw upon said skills when the chips are down is not always as easy as one might hope for.
Skills acquired and/or knowledge gained are only valuable to the extent they can be practically applied when called for. The number one thing great communicators have in common is they possess a heightened sense of situational and contextual awareness. The best communicators are great listeners and astute in their observations. Great communicators are skilled a reading a person/group by sensing the moods, dynamics, attitudes, values and concerns of those being communicated with. Not only do they read they environment well, but they possess the uncanny ability to adapt their messaging to said environment without missing a beat. The message is not about the messenger; it has nothing to do with messenger; it is however 100% about meeting the needs and the expectations of those you’re communicating with.
So, how do you know when your skills have matured to the point that you’ve become an excellent communicator? The answer is you’ll have reached the point where your interactions with others consistently use the following ten principles:
1. Speak not with a forked tongue: In most cases, people just won’t open up those they don’t trust. When people have a sense a leader is worthy of their trust they will invest time and take risks in ways they would not if their leader had a reputation built upon poor character or lack of integrity. While you can attempt to demand trust, it rarely works. Trust is best created by earning it with right acting, thinking, and decisioning. Keep in mind that people will forgive many things where trust exists, but will rarely forgive anything where trust is absent.
2. Get personal: There is great truth in the axiom that states: “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Classic business theory tells leaders to stay at arms length. I say stay at arms length if you want to remain in the dark receiving only highly sanitized versions of the truth. If you don’t develop meaningful relationships with people you’ll never know what’s really on their mind until it’s too late to do anything about it.
3. Get specific: Specificity is better than Ambiguity 11 times out of 10: Learn to communicate with clarity. Simple and concise is always better than complicated and confusing. Time has never been a more precious commodity than it is in today’s marketplace. It is critical you know how to cut to the chase and hit the high points, and that you expect the same from others. Without understanding the value of brevity and clarity it is unlikely that you’ll ever be afforded the opportunity to get to the granular level as people will tune you out long before you ever get there. Your goal is to weed out the superfluous and to make your words count.
4. Focus on the leave-behinds not the take-aways: The best communicators are not only skilled at learning and gathering information while communicating, they are also adept at transferring ideas, aligning expectations, inspiring action, and spreading their vision. The key is to approach each interaction with a servant’s heart. When you truly focus on contributing more than receiving you will have accomplished the goal. Even though this may seem counter-intuitive, by intensely focusing on the other party’s wants, needs & desires, you’ll learn far more than you ever would by focusing on your agenda.
5. Have an open mind: I’ve often said that the rigidity of a closed mind is the single greatest limiting factor of new opportunities. A leader takes their game to a whole new level the minute they willingly seek out those who hold dissenting opinions and opposing positions with the goal not of convincing them to change their minds, but with the goal of understanding what’s on their mind. I’m always amazed at how many people are truly fearful of opposing views, when what they should be is genuinely curious and interested. Open dialogs with those who confront you, challenge you, stretch you, and develop you. Remember that it’s not the opinion that matters, but rather the willingness to discuss it with an open mind and learn.
6. Shut-up and listen: Great leaders know when to dial it up, dial it down, and dial it off (mostly down and off). Simply broadcasting your message ad nauseum will not have the same result as engaging in meaningful conversation, but this assumes that you understand that the greatest form of discourse takes place within a conversation, and not a lecture or a monologue. When you reach that point in your life where the light bulb goes off, and you begin to understand that knowledge is not gained by flapping your lips, but by removing your ear wax, you have taken the first step to becoming a skilled communicator.
7. Replace ego with empathy: I have long advised leaders not to let their ego write checks that their talent can’t cash. When candor is communicated with empathy & caring and not the prideful arrogance of an over inflated ego good things begin to happen. Empathetic communicators display a level of authenticity and transparency that is not present with those who choose to communicate behind the carefully crafted facade propped-up by a very fragile ego. Understanding the this communication principle is what helps turn anger into respect and doubt into trust.
8. Read between the lines: Take a moment and reflect back on any great leader that comes to mind… you’ll find they are very adept at reading between the lines. They have the uncanny ability to understand what is not said, witnessed, or heard. Being a leader should not be viewed as a license to increase the volume of rhetoric. Rather astute leaders know that there is far more to be gained by surrendering the floor than by filibustering. In this age of instant communication, everyone seems to be in such a rush to communicate what’s on their mind that they fail to realize everything to be gained from the minds of others. Keep your eyes & ears open and your mouth shut and you’ll be amazed at how your level or organizational awareness is raised.
9. When you speak, know what you’re talking about: Develop a technical command over your subject matter. If you don’t possess subject matter expertise, few people will give you the time of day. Most successful people have little interest in listening to those individuals who cannot add value to a situation or topic, but force themselves into a conversation just to hear themselves speak. The fake it until you make it days have long since passed, and for most people I know fast and slick equals not credible. You’ve all heard the saying “it’s not what you say, but how you say it that matters,” and while there is surely an element of truth in that statement, I’m here to tell you that it matters very much what you say. Good communicators address both the “what” and “how” aspects of messaging so they don’t fall prey to becoming the smooth talker who leaves people with the impression of form over substance.
10. Speak to groups as individuals: Leaders don’t always have the luxury of speaking to individuals in an intimate setting. Great communicators can tailor a message such that they can speak to 10 people in a conference room or 10,000 people in an auditorium and have them feel as if they were speaking directly to each one of them as an individual. Knowing how to work a room and establish credibility, trust, and rapport are keys to successful interactions.
11. Bonus – Be prepared to change the message if needed: Another component of communications strategy that is rarely discussed is how to prevent a message from going bad, and what to do when does. It’s called being prepared and developing a contingency plan. Again, you must keep in mind that for successful interactions to occur, your objective must be in alignment with those you are communicating with. If your expertise, empathy, clarity, etc. don’t have the desired effect, which by the way is very rare, you need to be able to make an impact by changing things up on the fly. Use great questions, humor, stories, analogies, relevant data, and where needed, bold statements to help connect and engender the confidence and trust that it takes for people to want to engage. While it is sometimes necessary to “Shock and Awe” this tactic should be reserved as a last resort.
Don’t assume someone is ready to have a particular conversation with you just because you’re ready to have the conversation with them. Spending time paving the way for a productive conversation is far better than coming off as the proverbial bull in a china shop. Furthermore, you cannot assume anyone knows where you’re coming from if you don’t tell them. I never ceased to be amazed at how many people assume everyone knows what they want to occur without ever finding it necessary to communicate their objective. If you fail to justify your message with knowledge, business logic, reason, empathy etc., you will find that said message will likely fall on deaf ears needing reinforcement or clarification afterward.
Bottom line – The leadership lesson here is whenever you have a message to communicate (either directly, or indirectly through a third party) make sure said message is true & correct, well reasoned, and substantiated by solid business logic that is specific, consistent, clear and accurate. Spending a little extra time on the front-end of the messaging curve will likely save you from considerable aggravation and brain damage on the back-end. Most importantly of all, keep in mind that communication is not about you, your opinions, your positions or your circumstances. It’s about helping others by meeting their needs, understanding their concerns, and adding value to their world. Do these things and you’ll drastically reduce the number of communications problems you’ll experience moving forward.

Monday, April 09, 2012

حين يختفى الجرذان

كنا ونحن صغارا ثم شبابا يافعا بعد ذلك، وبحكم الجيرة نذهب إلى دمياط فى فصل الصيف لكى نقضى بعض الوقت نستمتع بجمال البحر وسماحة الناس وطيبتهم ونلتهم مالذ وطاب مما ابتدعته أيادى الدمايطه من طواجن خيرات البحر وأصناف الحلوى المبتكرة التى لم نعد نجد نظيرا لجودتها .. ولكن أكثر ماكان يستحوذ على كيانى كله لسان يمتد داخل البحر ويستطيع من يتمشى عليه أن يشاهد بعينه آية من ايات الله حيث ملتقى البحر مع النيل دون أن يختلط ماءهما " ... فهذا عذب فرات وهذا ملح أجاج" استحضرت تلك الصورة وأنا أستعيد أحداث الثورة وأقارن بين جيل الثورة من الأطهار وجيل دولة الظلم التى سقطت "وكنا نظنها لاتسقط" فالراصد الواعى لما جرى حين ثار بركان الغضب المصرى مكتسحا فى طريقه مملكة الظلم وعصابات البلطجية والإرهابيين الذين جعلوا من أنفسهم ملاكا أقطاعيين ليس فقط لأرض مصر وماتحتها من ثروات، ولكن لشعبها كله يقربون من يشاءون من العبيد والموالى والدلاة والخصيان ، ويزجون بالباقين فى السجون والمعتقلات أو يتخلصون منهم بالقتل أو النفى .. جاءت الثورة التى أشعل شرارتها وقادها بعفوية واندفاع طاهر شبابا كنا نظنهم منفصلين تماما عن واقعهم لكى يسقطوا قلاع دولة الظلم واحدة وراء الأخرى .. الإختلاف بين الجيلين تماما مثل الإختلاف والتباين الشديد بين ماء النيل وماء البحر، لايمكن أن يختلطا، فالنظام الذى قام على الغش والخداع من خلال حضانات الحزب الواحد والمؤسسات والهيئات التى أنشئت خصيصا لخدمة طبقة النبلاء من الأسرة الحاكمة وحوارييهم للتكويش على السلطة وجمع الثروات بكل طرق التحايل، يختلف تماما عما نادت به الثورة من شفافية وطهارة وإنتماء للوطن والموت فى سبيله.

الأبواق التى كانت تملأ الدنيا ضجيجا وتتغنى بمآثر النظام البائد حاولت فى بداية الثورة على استحياء أن تتسلل إلى مناصب الدولة ووزاراتها محاولة إعادة إنتاج البضاعة الفاسدة التى كانت تنتجها بأسماء ووجوه كثيرة تروج لها بمؤتمرات وندوات وحوارات أسموها "وطنية"، وحين انكشفت اللعبة استمات حملة الأبواق للبقاء فى مناصبهم التى يجنون من ورائها الثروات والتى تقربهم من اصحاب القرار فى الوزارات المتعاقبة وأجهزة الحكم أو شبكات التواصل التى كونوها على امتداد السنين من أصحاب المصالح مثلهم من الذين يؤمنون فقط بمنهج "تبادل المصالح" وأن "الغايات تبرر الوسائل" مهما كانت تلك الوسائل لاأخلاقية وغير نظيفة وتليق فقط بقطاع الطرق وعصابات النهب والسطو المسلح .. نجد أن مركزا يتبع مجلس الوزراء المفروض فيه أنه مركزا للمعلومات والأبحاث والدراسات التى تعين صانع القرار على أن يبنى قراره على أساس علمى، قد اقتصر دوره على إصدارات فخيمة تتصدرها صورة مبارك وأسرته وتحتوى على إحصاءات تافهة يعاد انتاجها وتقديمها بصورة توحى أن مصر دولة عظمى وأن إنجازات النظام لم تحدث فى تاريخ مصر كله بما فى ذلك عهد محمد على، وأن 86 % من الشعب يمتدحون أداء حكومات مبارك ويكادون يجمعون التوقيعات من كافة طوائف الشعب لكى يبقى مبارك رئيسا حتى الموت ويأتى ولى عهده من بعده لكى يكمل مسيرة مصر التى أصبحت دولة عظمى .. هذا المركز قام دون خجل بنشر استقصاء رأى يقول أن أهم أحداث عام 2010 هو ميلاد حفيدة رئيس الدولة، ولم يصدر خلال حكم مبارك ولا تقرير واحد عن نسب الفقر والأمية والأمراض المتفشية ولا حالة التعليم ولا غلاء الأسعار، وأسهم لسنوات طويلة فى إهدار المال العام بتسخير كافة موارده للدعاية للحزب الوطنى، وصرف أموال المعونات الأجنبية والقروض والمنح على تأصيل التوريث وبيع الوهم للناس .. بعد الثورة صمت المركز الذى يعمل به 600 موظف ثلثيهم من الإستشاريين وشاغلى الوظائف الإشرافية والتنفيذية تماما ، أصيب بالخرس ولم يعد يصدر أى تقارير تجنبا للفت الأنظار، وسوف يكشف التحقيق مع قياداته بالأرقام حجم الفساد به.

مؤسسة أخرى تقف شاهدا على فساد الإدارة وعفن قراراتها، وإهدار المال العام، وتوزيع المناصب على المحاسيب والمستفيدين هى "الهيئة القومية لجودة التعليم" التى رصد لها مليار جنيه من ميزانية الدولة خلال السنوات الأخيرة من حكم مبارك ، ولعبت باقتدار دور "المحلل" لتلميع سوزان مبارك وإظهارها فى دور راعى نهضة التعليم فى مصر وإطلاق إسمها على نصف مدارس مصر ومنح تلك المدارس شهادات الجودة فى الوقت الذى لايوجد بها معامل ولا أجهزة كمبيوتر تعمل ولا ملاعب لممارسة الأنشطة ولا مقررات حديثة تلحق بالتقدم العلمى فى العالم ولا أساتذة مؤهلين محفزين يؤمنون برسالة التعليم ويتفرغون له ولا حتى دورات مياه آدمية تصلح للطلاب وأساتذتهم .. وفضيحة جمع نخبة من الأولاد لتمثيل دور الطلاب فى مدارس تفتحها "الهانم" لم تعد سرا..ومادام ليس فى مصر تعليم اصلا وإنما مبان متهالكة مهترئة وخرابات مسورة يوضع عليها لافتات بأسماء مدارس وهمية فقد آن الأوان لكى يفتح ملف تلك الهيئة ويتم التحقيق مع المسئولين عنها وعن الأموال التى أهدرت على المرتبات والمكافآت والبدلات والرحلات الخارجية وقياس عائد العمل منذ إنشائها وحتى الآن فى أكبر عملية نصب علمى ممنهج يخدع الناس ويوهمهم على غير الحقيقة أن فى مصر تعليم وأن مستواه يضاهئ نظيره فى الدول المتقدمة.. آن الأوان لكى يفتح مجلس الشعب ملفات الفساد الإدارى ويعيد للشعب حقه.

الرئيس الذى لن يكون

علي الرغم من أنني كنت فقط أحلم بأن أتولي مقاليد حكم مصر ليوم واحد أتخذ فيه قراراً واحداً يطهرها من البلطجية المنتشرين في كل مؤسسات نظام مبارك والمتربصين بها الذين لا هم لهم سوي التخطيط لإنهاكها وسلبها من مصادر قوتها وعزها ومجدها،
إلا أنني - طبقاً لمصدر غير مسئول خشي علي نفسه من انتقام البلطجية - أصبحت مستهدفاً وأنهم قد هتفوا بسقوطي بعد الاقتراح الذي طرحته في مقالي السابق بتصدير البلطجية الذين تعلم أعدادهم وتخصصاتهم جيداً الأجهزة التي ورثتهم ومازالت تتعامل معهم إلي الصحراء الغربية لتعميرها داخل أسوار محصنة تمنع خروجهم إلي المجتمع، إلا بعد تعمير الصحراء أو الإعدام لمن يرفض منهم ذلك ويصر علي العمل السهل لتخريب مصر ونهب مواردها.. ويبدو أنني لم أوضح في مقالي أن نواياي كانت طيبة وأنني لم أعن مجرد تطويق البلطجية وتكليفهم بعمل مؤقت يضطرون بعده إلي التظاهر طلباً للتثبيت علي كوادر لأن ما عنيته في الواقع أن تنشأ مؤسسة يمكن أن نسميها «مؤسسة بلطجية النظام» وعلي درجات وظيفية مستحدثة مثل بلطجي تحت التدريب وبلطجي وبلطجي أول ورئيس بلطجية، أما المديرون العامون ورؤساء القطاعات فسوف يتولاها نزلاء طرة باعتبارهم خير من يتعامل من مرؤوسيهم من البلطجية، بدلاً من سكانهم لزنازين مفروشة وتحمل شعب مصر مصاريف إعاشتهم وعلاجهم دون أن يؤدوا أي عمل سوي تفرغهم للتخطيط للانقضاض علي الثورة ودق الأسافين بين القوي الوطنية وإشعال نار الفتن انتقاماً لمن حرموهم من نعيم السلطة وبريقها وإن كانوا لم يحرموهم من الثروات الحرام التي نهبوها.. وحتي لو أنشأنا لمبارك مستشفي كاملاً مجهزاً ينعم فيه بكل الرعاية يشرف منه علي النظام الجديد ويباركه بتوجيهاته وخبرته التي كونها في إدارة مؤسسات التكويش علي السلطة وتهريب الثروات، وبالمرة محكمة قريبة ترحمنا من تكاليف الطائرة التي يستقلها والحراسة الصورية التي هي في حقيقتها «تشريفة» له ولأبنيه ورموز نظامه تصاحبهم من وإلي المحكمة.
يبدو أن حلمي بأن أكون رئيساً ولو ليوم واحد قد أجهض، وسوف لا يصبح أمامي بعد ذلك سوي أن أجتر أمجادي ومحاولاتي في التصدي للفساد في مصر، والنجاح في كشف المستور واستبعاد بعض عناصره بعد الثورة وصدور بعض القوانين التي تعيد لفئة من الناس حقوقها، وربما الاستعانة بخبير في التخفي والتمويه لكي أضلل فرق التتبع التي قيل لي من مصدر غير مسئول كما قلت إنها تستهدفني.. أنا علي ثقة من أن كثيراً من العاملين المؤقتين «بمركز المعلومات ودعم اتخاذ القرار» التابع لمجلس الوزراء سوف يتطوعون لحمايتي بعد أن عرضت قضيتهم العادلة وحقهم في التعيين بصفتهم من يؤدون العمل بالفعل في هذا المركز علي عقود مؤقتة استمرت لسنوات طويلة، بينما المتسلقون من المحظوظين وأبناء المسئولين وأقاربهم ومعهم غير المؤهلين ممن احتفظوا بمناصبهم بالأقدمية يتربعون علي عرش الوظائف الإشرافية ذات العائد المجزي، التي لا تتطلب عملاً علي الإطلاق لأنها أنشئت في الأساس «ترضية» وتبادل منافع بين من ورثوا وأوروثوا تلك المناصب خالصة لهم ولذويهم.. عرض «الوفد» بالمستندات دور المركز في تأصيل التوريث وفي الدعاية للحزب الوطني وتنفيذ كل مخططاته لحكم مصر إلي الأبد وإهدار المال في استقصاءات رأي مفبركة تافهة تحمل صورة النظام، بدليل أنه منذ ثورة يناير توقف تماماً عن الضجيج الإعلامي الذي كان مقرراً يومياً علي الناس وعشقهم للحكومة والنظام.. القرار بتثبيت العاملين المؤقتين بالمركز ومعهم كل العاملين بمراكز المعلومات بمحافظات مصر والملايين غيرهم من المظلومين في كل مؤسسات النظام البائد الذين كانوا يعاملون كعبيد يعيد الحق لأصحابه ويصحح أوضاعاً ظالمة استمرت لعقود، وربما يكون هذا لقانون من خيرة القوانين التي أصدرها مجلس الشعب الذي لايزال أمامه الكثير من القوانين التي تعيد للقانون هيبته واستقلاله.
كنت أنتوي - ولو كان قدر لي أن أصبح رئيساً ليوم واحد - أن أصدر قراراً ثانياً مهماً أدعي علي غير الحقيقة أن تنفيذه يستغرق عشر سنوات وهي حيلة معروفة تضمن استمرار التجديد، بأن يؤخذ مركز المعلومات إياه كنموذج لبؤر الفساد التي لا تزال موجودة يحتل الوظائف القيادية به أهل الثقة من كافأهم النظام السابق علي إخلاصهم وولائهم لقضية التوريث وللطاعة العمياء في خلق الوظائف وتقديم الرشاوي لمعارضي النظام حتي يتحولوا إلي حملة مباخر يدافعون عن الباطل.. كنت قد وجهت الدعوة لأكثر من حكومة قبل الجنزوري بأن يبدأوا الإصلاح بتطهير كل الأجهزة التابعة لمجلس الوزراء أولاً، وأكدت أنهم سوف يجدون العجب العجاب ويكتشفون أن 80٪ من العاملين بتلك الأجهزة لا يؤدون أي عمل ويتقاضون مخصصات تورمت من كثرة مسمياتها بمئات الألوف شهرياً.. وأنه بعملية حسابية بسيطة يمكن أن يوفروا الاعتمادات اللازمة لكي يقضوا تدريجياً علي طابور البطالة الرهيب والمتزايد دون أن تتحمل ميزانية الدولة أية أعباء إضافية.. أما وقد أجهض البلطجية أحلامي ولن أصبح رئيساً ولو ليوم واحد فحسبي أني أستطيع مواصلة كفاحي لتسليط الضوء علي كل موقع يلفه ظلام الفساد والجهل، وأعد كل بلطجية مصر علي كافة مستوياتهم أن أعيد النظر في اقتراحي وأن أتفاوض معهم علي تحالف أو نقابة تضمهم بعد أن أوضحت سلامة مقصدي بانضمام نزلاء طرة إليهم دون تفرقة لعل وعسي أن يقنعوا بالتوبة ومعهم «المعلمون» الذين يعملون لحسابهم.

اقرأ المقال الأصلي علي بوابة الوفد الاليكترونية الوفد - الرئيس الذي لن يكون

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

True Leaders Are Becoming Rare These Days

We're living with something of an irony right now regarding leadership. On the one hand, the topic has never been more studied and written about; my recent Google search for leadership research by academies and institutes returned some 375,000 hits. On the other hand, we are experiencing a dearth of leadership in society. We see fewer prominent leaders who seem genuine and highly capable, and many who have been compromised, deposed, or defeated. Even more seem to have run out of ideas, or simply appear unable to craft the necessary consensus to lead. Perhaps it's really not so ironic that there would be this inverse relationship: the deeper we sink into leadership crisis, the more it shows up on the agendas of think tanks and conferences.
From my own perspective as someone who has had a front-row seat to leadership over a few decades, it isn't so much that today's leaders fall short of the capabilities or character leaders had in the past. It isn't that the visionary, principled, courageous type we would all prefer to follow was once common and is now a rarity. Rather, it's the context of leadership that has changed, so that people with just as great capability as their predecessors find it much harder today to lead. We could probably cite many factors that have contributed to this shift, but three are particularly important. As I see it, leaders in the past had the great advantages of:

Privileged access to information. People naturally look for direction from someone they perceive to be in possession of more information about an evolving situation. It used to be that leaders were in a unique position to gain information, and to dole it out on a need-to-know basis. Now the world is awash in instantly accessible information of all types and on all subjects. Human beings making ground-level observations can communicate them directly to others either around the globe or around the corner, while they walk down the sidewalk of an urban neighborhood or the dirt path of a remote jungle.
Is it any wonder that the Web became the greatest fear factor of every dictator? When even State Department communiques become public knowledge and, in almost any realm, an impassioned nobody can be in greater possession of the facts than a leader in that same realm, information is decoupled from leadership. In fact the flows of information actively undercut leadership—both the practice and the perceived need for it.
The reflected glory of their institutions. Twenty years ago, a citizen might not know the name of a Fortune 500 CEO or NGO director, but they knew the reputation of the institution—and made an assumption that the person chosen to lead it must personify its good qualities. Two things have changed that: it is much easier to see leader and institution separately, and there has been a significant decline in respect for the institutions themselves. Whether we're talking about multinational corporations, churches, or public treasuries, we are constantly reminded by Pew and Gallup that reputations now scrape the bottom. There is an increasing perception of incompetence, greed, and frivolity at the expense of the governed, the taxed, and the managed.
Are institutions truly less noble, or is it that they, as well as their leaders, are subjected to more relentless scrutiny? In my own years in the White House I vividly recall the media's clamoring for details about presidential habits and the daily life of the West Wing—only to find them all too ordinary and boring to report. Today the media churns out every minor indiscretion and then, in a rare act of community, the public blogs on it. Social media platforms give motivated critics, even lone voices, the ability to be heard. YouTube is a bargain-basement media buy for campaigning on any issue.
Whether it is a matter of perception or reality, we can only hope that respect for our institutions will rise again. Institutions are where we join together, worship together, convene, gather, assemble, debate, celebrate, where preachers preach and where leaders convince. When any of them loses respect, society loses a platform for concerted action. Potentially great leaders lose a platform for leadership.

Broadly shared foundational principles. One other foundation of leadership that used to be firmly in place seems shaken today: a common understanding of the age-tested principles, religious or moral, that should guide decisions. Leaders may be yet another victim of the move away from the teaching and practice of moral values and their integration in early family life. Interpersonal relations patterns start early and are almost impossible to change; taking a graduate school class in ethics may be too late for someone who has not had good character modeled for them and required of them from early childhood. Much is said today about the diminution of the "actions have consequences" school of hard knocks that may have built the best leaders.
Meridian International, which offers a gathering place and leadership training for diplomats and internationalists in Washington DC, has studied this problem. Its conclusion: "Trust in public and private sector leaders can only be restored when leaders align value-based decisions, not rhetoric, with basic aspirations such as security and economic opportunity."
Leadership has never been easy. But I suspect it was simpler in an era when leaders could count on superior information access, reverence for their institutions, and strong moral bearings to assemble greater followership. The conditions of the past help to explain why the WWII military personnel who performed so well in European, Pacific, and North African theatres returned home to become such competent leaders in industry.
Conditions have changed to make leadership harder. Spencer Stuart's Tom Neff, the dean of CEO Executive Search, puts it baldly: "We are experiencing a demand for new types of skills and sacrifices in C-level executives that many are not prepared to bring to the table."
Of course, the corollary is that great leadership capability has never been more valuable. Even as the accessibility of information makes it less necessary for a group to have a leader to inform, organize, and mobilize its action, the sheer glut of information makes it more vital for a leader to show how all the data add up to a meaningful narrative—to interpret and inspire. If institutional reverence cannot be assumed, it is a bigger part of the leader's work to engage hearts and minds. In an era when character is not a given, the leader who consistently displays integrity will have real impact.