Friday, December 30, 2005

Earth As A Weapon

At the Peoples' Health Assembly in December 2000 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dr. Bertell revealed to a shocked and incredulous audience that 'the latest weapons in the arsenal of the US military is Planet Earth itself ... and weather will be one of the worst destructive weapons by the year 2025'. Dr. Bertell was referring to how engineered earthquakes and tornadoes could wreak havoc on populations and nations

According to her book, electromagnetic weapons 'have the ability to transmit explosive and other effects such as earthquake induction across intercontinental distances to any selected target site on the globe with force levels equivalent to major nuclear explosions'.

For the past 40 years, the US military has conducted experiments on the earth's atmosphere using waves and chemicals. Attempts to gain control of the weather, through environmental engineering with experiments involving laser and chemicals to ascertain whether they could damage the ozone layer over an enemy; cause damage to crops and human health through exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, have been carried out by the military According to Dr. Bertell, 'changes in the earth's atmosphere bring about corresponding changes in the Earth's weather and climate'.

Another method is the use of very low frequency electromagnetic waves in weather modification experiments. These waves can pass through solid earth and oceans and have been used by the military to probe the upper atmosphere and the inner structure of the earth. They can manipulate the weather, creating storms and torrential rains over an area.

These waves have the potential to generate earth movements. 'It has the capability to cause disturbance of volcanoes and tectonic plates, which in turn, have an effect on the weather,' she states. For example, earthquakes are known to interact with the ionosphere (the atmosphere 50-373 miles above the earth's surface). In fact, many of the earthquakes that occurred in recent years were preceded by certain unexplained phenomena, says Dr. Bertell. … 'These strange coincidences have never been explained ... it seems highly probable that some of these earthquakes have been a result of human activity, not natural forces,' said Dr. Bertell.]

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